Cambridge to Kent
Friday, 17th March 2017


Tabitha and Amelia were delivered safely to their new cattery in Hardwick, the Angelite Cats Hotel! No pond but bird feeders and the owner's cats strolling around for them to look at. Larger 'chalets' than at Phyllis's, also the owner Brenda had a very large house. Rough unmade road to get there, we may have found not too bad a way through the labyrinth to get there.

We set off about 1pm but managed to forget various useful items we should have taken! Virginia remembered her turquoise coat just in time to dive back into the house to collect it, but more seriously I forgot the charger for the iPad, the camera connector or thought I did, headphones, and Virginia her book club book of "Howard's End"! I didn't start the journeying in a good frame of mind. We dropped into Thurrock Lakeside where we eventually parked by Marks and Spencer's. I got an expensive lead and plug at iSmash there, and we also got a Chinese takeaway for this evening, but failed to get eggs and also failed to get soap which we didn't know would have come in handy at our holiday cottage.